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Albania Religion Percentage

Albania's Diverse Religious Landscape

A Harmonious Coexistence of Faiths

Albania is a nation rich in religious diversity. According to 2008 statistics, the country boasts a significant number of religious structures, with 1119 churches and 638 mosques. This plurality is enshrined in the Albanian constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion to all citizens.

Islam and Christianity Predominate

The most prevalent religions in Albania are Islam, Roman Catholicism, and Eastern Orthodoxy. The 2011 census indicated that 59% of the population identifies as Muslim, while 10% adhere to Roman Catholicism and 7% to Eastern Orthodoxy. These three faiths have coexisted peacefully for centuries, fostering a spirit of tolerance and understanding.

Islam in Albania

With 59% of the population adhering to Islam, it is the predominant religion in Albania. Boston University's 2020 World Religion Database estimates that there are approximately 171 million Muslims in the country, accounting for 59% of the population.

Albania's Homogeneous Population

Albania stands out as one of the most ethnically homogeneous nations in Europe. According to available data, non-Albanians account for a minimal percentage of the population, further highlighting the country's cohesive religious and cultural identity.


Albania's religious diversity serves as a testament to the country's rich history and cultural tapestry. The peaceful coexistence of different faiths has fostered a climate of mutual respect and understanding, a valuable lesson for societies around the world.
